(part 1)
What should you do if your orchid has bloomed or is blooming right now? Now is the time to maintain its health and allow it to bloom again. The first step is to understand the reasons for the blooming. It can be due to the natural cycle of life as well as to the conditions of maintenance. Lighting, watering and temperature all play an important role in the condition of the flower.
It is worth knowing that when an orchid blooms, you should remove or trim the peduncle. This allows the plant to focus its resources on root and leaf development, which in turn will ensure healthy growth and the possibility of re-blooming. But there are exceptions in which the stem can be left, we will talk about this in the article.
To make the orchid re-bloom, you need to provide it with the right regime of watering, lighting and temperature. Regular feeding will help her to stay healthy and solve the issue with the repeated opportunity to bloom.
If you notice any problems with the condition of your orchid, you should not delay in addressing them. Improper care can lead to death. Check out our article and you’ll learn what to do next after blooming.
Orchid blooming: how long it lasts?
The duration depends on many factors, such as its species, conditions and proper care of the plant. On average, flowering in a pot lasts from a few weeks to a few months. Some species may even bloom several times a year, while others may bloom only once a year.
The timing can depend on natural processes and the nature of care. To find out how long your orchid will take to bloom, you need to pay attention to its species and its conditions, as well as how well you care for it.
How do you know if an orchid is blooming?
When it has bloomed, the plant begins to fade, and it is worth understanding that the flowering process has finished completely. Check the condition of the arrow.
How the flower stalk blooms:
– If the stem begins to dry out, turn yellow (or different from the usual color), drop buds then most likely the flowering has ended;
– In addition, you can pay attention to the leaves. If the leaves begin to turn yellow or die off, this can also be a sign of the end of flowering. However, it is worth bearing in mind that not all orchids have the same flowering cycle and for some species it can take several months;
– It is also worth paying attention to the presence of buds, if the peduncle contains them, perhaps the flowering will continue.
To determine the exact time of the end of flowering, you can refer to the information about a particular species.
How long does an orchid bloom last?
Depending on the species, it can last from a few weeks to several years. But flowering can end sooner than expected for a number of reasons.
First, it may be due to a lack of nutrients in the soil. If there are not enough nutrients, it can bloom faster than it should.
Secondly, the reason for the quick finish can be due to insufficient lighting. A flower needs ample bright light for good growth and blooming. If it does not get enough light, it will end early.
In addition, some types of potted orchids require a special temperature regime, and if this regime is not followed, it can also lead to an early end of blooming. To avoid a rapid end of flowering, you need to provide her with all the conditions necessary for healthy growth and opening.
It is also worth considering that each orchid has its own blooming period in addition to individual characteristics, depending on the variety. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the time specifically for your orchid, and only then make conclusions about the norms.
What to do after the orchid has bloomed
Once the orchids have bloomed, a number of measures should be taken to keep them healthy and able to bloom again. It is important to know the basics on how to care for the plant after this process.
What to do with the peduncle
Depending on the condition after flowering, the stem can be left, trimmed or removed. Shortening the shoot not only promotes the growth of the flower, but also allows it to retain nutrients that can be used by other parts. But you should only do this after you have verified that the stem has actually bloomed.
If you leave a stem that has bloomed, it can begin to decompose, which can lead to the development of disease and rot, as well as taking valuable resources away from the plant. If the color of the shoots changes, then they need to be cut back. If the tissue of the arrow has a healthy appearance, it is recommended to leave it, the branch itself will gradually dry up, giving the flower juices on its own. After that, the dried arrow can be cut, leaving 2-3 centimeters.
Removing the stem with an arrow does not require special skills, just carefully cut it from the bottom, closer to the base. However, do not cut too close to the base, as this can damage the plant. As a rule, shorten it to the bud, 2 centimeters above, or to the visible green part, after which it will bloom again.
In addition, after removing the peduncle, you need to give it the right watering, lighting and temperature regimen. This will help the flower to stay healthy and give it a chance to bloom again.
Important: All pruning sites need to be treated and sealed. Use beeswax or ash.
How to properly feed and care for a blooming orchid
Proper nutrition is one of the keys to caring for an orchid after it has bloomed. When an orchid has bloomed, it requires additional nutrition to recover.
There are various nutritional options available, but it is important to realize that proper nutrition depends on many factors such as species, soil type, and growing conditions. For example, flowers grown in a hydroponic system need different nutrition than those grown in the ground.
However, in general, fertilizers such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients should be used for proper feeding.
Fertilizers low in nitrogen are recommended, as an excess of nitrogen can lead to negative consequences such as lack of flowering and foliage growth to the detriment of the peduncle.
When fertilizing, it is important to observe a certain frequency and dosage. It is recommended to fertilize once every 1-2 weeks during the period of active growth.
It is also worth taking into account the phase of the life cycle of the plant. For example, before flowering, it is important to use fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus, which helps with stimulation.
It is important not to overdo it with fertilization, as excess can lead to drying of the roots.
Room temperature regime for an orchid that has bloomed
Ensure that your orchid has the optimal temperature regime so that it can grow healthily and prepare for the next cycle. The right regime is one of the key factors for the health of the flower, so it should be considered during care.
The specific regime may depend on the type of flower, so it is important to research the requirements of your particular flower. In general, most prefer a warm and humid environment for growth, with temperatures ranging from 64,4 to 86°F.
However, it is important to consider that different phases of the life cycle may require different regimes. For example, after flowering and before the start of a new growth cycle, the orchid requires coolness, within 60,8 to 64,4°F.
In the process of active growth, it is important not to overcool the plant, otherwise it will damage its health.
How to properly water an orchid after flowering
One of the key aspects is the correctness and frequency of watering.
Remember that orchids do not like excessive moisture, so it is important not to overdo it with watering. Usually, after flowering, it is recommended to reduce the number of waterings to 1-2 times a week, depending on the conditions.
It is important to remember that watering should be moderate but regular. When watering, the plant should get enough water, but should not be flooded to avoid moisture stagnation and root rot. Substrates should be given time to dry out.
Remember also that the frequency of watering can depend on the time of year, the conditions of maintenance, as well as the type and age. It is important to monitor the condition of the flower and adjust watering to its needs.
How to get the orchid to bloom again
One of the main tasks in the care after its blooming is to prepare the plant for a second flowering. To do this, you need to monitor the watering regime, feeding, lighting and temperature.
The first step is the correct watering regime. After blooming, it needs to give it a little rest, so the frequency of watering can be reduced. However, you should not allow the earth clod to dry out, so it is important to monitor the condition of the soil and moisten it when it starts to dry out. For orchids that are grown in pots with a drainage system, it is also important to remove excess water so that the roots do not become waterlogged.
The second important factor is feeding. Once the plants have bloomed, they need nutrients to prepare them to bloom again. It is recommended to use fertilizers specifically formulated for orchids according to the instructions for use.
The third factor that is important for re-blooming is the lighting regime. Orchids need bright but diffused light, so a good choice can be a place near a window, protected from direct sunlight. If there is a lack of natural light, however, artificial lighting can be used.
The fourth factor is the temperature regime. In preparation for re-blooming, you should ensure that the temperature is optimal for your species.
It is important to remember that blooms are offspring. In nature, plants react to stress, so you can try to provoke the orchid to bloom. This is done by slightly lowering the temperature, about 5 degrees, while cutting back on watering and fertilizer feeding for a period of 20 to 30 days. After such a diet, the transition to the usual mode for the flower can more quickly cause a repeat cycle.
It is recommended that you research the temperature recommendations for your species to give the plant optimal conditions.
(continued in the next article)