Orchids are a real living decoration of our homes. We love this unique flower for its originality, ease of care and of course beautiful flowering. If cared for properly, phalaenopsis will bloom regularly, pleasing you for at least 2-3 months a year.
The wrong care of an orchid can delay blooming, weaken the orchid, or even destroy it.
Let us tell you what mistakes orchid owners make most often, especially those who are dealing with the flower for the first time.
Feeding during flowering
Orchids do not need root feedings during flowering. If this rule is ignored, the plant will drop the existing flowers, and new ones will not form. All because the strength will be spent on the assimilation of fertilizers.
Even before the flower stalks appear, the necessary substances and elements are accumulated. During flowering, the accumulated energy is spent. By applying fertilizer under the root, you provoke a refusal of flowering.
Spraying orchid flowers
The orchid is a tropical plant. It needs moist, warm air to grow and develop. This is done by showering or spraying. But water must not be allowed to get on the flowers of the plant. This leads to:
- the appearance of ugly spots;
- rapidly dropping the flowers;
- risk of sunburn.
If you can not do without spraying, it is important to ensure that exposure to moisture is minimal, and do not put the plant immediately in direct sunlight or a draft.
Moving an orchid pot to a new location
Like many plants, the orchid must adapt to its habitat. Once accustomed to temperature, sunlight, humidity, the plant develops and prepares to bloom. If the habitat is changed frequently, the orchid is forced to constantly adapt anew, which leads to a lack of blooming. If you move the plant with a flower stalk or buds, the buds may fall off and the flowers may wilt. It is better not to move the pot too often, and during flowering do not change the location at all.
Do not inspect for pests and diseases
Regular inspection of the plant for parasites and diseases will help keep the orchid alive and save it from death. A favorite breeding ground for parasites:
- substrate;
- roots;
- the underside of the leaves or the core of the growth.
Regular inspection and removal of parasites, timely treatment will save from death and guarantee abundant flowering.
Use ordinary soil for transplanting orchids
The main mistake of beginners. The orchid does not grow in ordinary soil. For growth, flowering requires a special substrate, which consists of:
- tree bark;
- moss;
- nutshells;
- coconut fiber.
It is not necessary to prepare a suitable mixture by yourself. Flower stores sell ready-made substrate, consisting of the correct ratio of all components.
If the plant is transplanted into ordinary soil, the roots will rot.
Watering an orchid too often
It is not necessary to think that a tropical plant needs plenty of moisture. You can water the orchid once every 10-14 days. It is desirable to do it by the method of immersion. The pot with the plant is lowered into the water. Through the drainage holes, the orchid will absorb as much water – as necessary. When using root watering – you need to be guided by the presence of condensation on the container. If there is condensation, you don’t need to water. Excessive moisture leads to rotting of the roots.
Repot an orchid immediately after purchase
An orchid placed in a new environment is already stressed and needs to adapt. If you intensify this by transplanting it into a different pot, it may die off.
It is better to give the plant 2-3 weeks to adapt after it has come from the store to the house. The orchid must get used to the conditions and care. If the flower feels good in the store pot, you can not transplant it at all within a year or two, if the substrate gives off water well.
Place in unsuitable conditions
Dryness, cold air and lack of light can make an orchid sick and cause it to lose its leaves or stop producing flower stems.
To improve conditions use:
- light bulbs;
- an air humidifier.
Knowing the basic mistakes in orchid care, you will quickly learn how to breed orchids and enjoy abundant blooms almost all year round.
Our flower orchid arrangements have a unique individual design. Here, at Viva Orchids in Boca Raton, you can find white orchids, pink orchids, purple orchids and orchids of other colors.
We can deliver exotic orchids to Delray Beach, Deerfield Beach, Parkland, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Pompano Beach and nearby cities.